Dad's Quilt in progress. Held by my sons. |
This story is a bit windy. If you are looking for the Project 40 details just scroll to the bottom.
Years ago my Dad requested that I make him a quilt. And not just any quilt...He wanted a King-size quilt! So I started it. I made the top in a reasonable amount of time. Then the real question arrived---How do I quilt this thing?!! I finally made the executive decision to hand quilt it (yes, you read that right!). Truly, I must have been on hallucinogens to think that it would ever be completed.
Well years passed and I worked on it in dribs and drabs. I would make some headway and then lose interest or life would squeeze quilting out of my day/week/month.
Then a terrible thing happened. Everything changed. My Dad had a stroke following heart surgery this year and is now being cared for in a nursing home. Oddly enough, hand quilting has helped me through these past months. I've stitched and prayed. I showed the quilt to my friend, Sarah, and she pushed me to work on it every day and get it finished. I have.
As I near completion on this quilt, my heart is sad. Lots of regret. Sorrow over things past, things that will never come to be. I wanted my Dad to love this quilt and feel my love and God's love stitched into it.
I doubt my Dad will ever come home from the nursing home. He's very impulsive and frequently confused. My siblings and I can't figure out how to keep him safe without 24-hour care.
I'll keep this quilt in hopes that my Dad will come home to his King-size bed again, but my heart of hearts knows the truth. He won't.
As far as giving him the quilt anyway, this mega-quilt would certainly overwhelm my Dad's room at the nursing home. Gee, it might even be as big as his room. I can just hear the nurse screaming "Code Quilt" as they try to keep The Quilt from smothering the poor man!
Dad goofing off with Grandchildren December 2011 |
So the quilt is not meant to be. I know you're thinking, "Well duh, Girl! Make a smaller quilt!" You're right, but he already has a more reasonable sized quilt from me. So he really is covered in the quilting department...I just wanted him to have this special quilt. Ok, enough about the quilt.
Since his stroke, my Dad forgets that his children love him, care about him, and visit him regularly.
It's heart-wrenching to see the anguish he goes through.
I want to make my Dad (and lots of other nursing home residents) a gift that he can hold onto and "remember" our love. I want my family and others (that's YOU!) to be able to help make these gifts.
Project 40 was born to meet this need.
We are making lap blankets for nursing home residents. (My Dad is not the only one that needs to "remember" that he is loved).
"40" stands for 40 inches.
Here's what you do:
Knit or crochet a 40 inch long strip from washable yarn.
40 inches is the only number that you need to remember.
You choose everything else.
You choose the width to make your strip, the stitch pattern, to knit or crochet, the color...
Use whatever yarn you have as long as it is washable.
(as far as the "washable" part...These blankets will most likely go through an industrial laundry on occasion. If the yarn isn't washable, their beloved blankie may turn into a pot-holder. So yes, the washable part is important!)
You can then mail your completed strip(s) to me at Strip Central.
I'm listing a Post Office address here.
Please let me know when you mail something and I'll be watching for it.
Pam Stahl
P.O. Box 1875
Mt. Juliet, TN 37121-1875
My dear Mother-in-Law promises to help me sew the strips together to make toasty warm lap blankets filled with love from all of us. We will keep making these blankets as long as people will help make strips.
Project 40 blankets will be delivered first to the nursing home where my Dad resides and then to others....hopefully many others.
May God use our hands to greatly love those that feel forgotten.
Live as children of the light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness, and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Ephesians 5: 9-10