The Living Water Quilt (previously known as Dad's Quilt) |
The Living Water Quilt drawing is rapidly approaching! Easter, March 31, is the big day!!
I've not mentioned it in a while because I really don't like asking for money. Of course the money isn't for me, but I would much prefer to just give the money myself and not ask for your help.
Admittedly our house is a bit cluttered and dirty at the moment, but even so, I haven't noticed any big piles of money lying around! So here I am, asking....
First, I want to share some more about how all this started.
Has a book ever insisted that you read it?
That's what happened to me with the book
"7" by Jen Hatmaker. I was Christmas shopping at
Lifeway, wandering the aisles, minding my own business. This pushy book JUMPED into my basket. I kept trying to reshelve it, knowing that I had plenty of reading material at home and that I was shopping for others, not myself.
The book was determined.
I finally realized that I was supposed to read this book (I'm slow like that) and begrudgingly purchased it.
As soon as I started reading, I knew the truth. God was behind all this. He wanted to stretch my heart and my thinking. He was using this book to make me a little uncomfortable with my own comfort. Please know that Jen Hatmaker does not make you feel guilty in this book at all. Her writing is fun and engaging. But, that being said, God may step in and convict your heart of great sufferings in the world. He may even want you to offer to help. You'll most likely feel completely inadequate for the job. I did. I still do. But God can take our humble, feeble attempts and use them for great good.
Jen talks a little about the sufferings in Africa and some of the choices her family's church is making....like not paving the church parking lot and sending the money to help others instead. Seven made the little wheels in my head start spinning.
About the same time, my husband and I completed an
Experiencing God class. One segment of the class really touched me. The question was something like,
"What is dear to you that you can put on the altar for God...for Him to use as He pleases?"
On the way home I knew the answer. My quilting and handwork and crafty stuff. I quietly told God that He could use my hobbies and love of stitching for anything that He chose...to please just let me know.
Days later,
Project 40 developed.
THEN, As I finished the last hand stitches on Dad's Quilt, I sensed God's desire for this quilt to be used for a greater good--to raise awareness and funds to build a well and provide clean water for a community in Africa.
My Dad in 2011 having fun with grandchildren |
A few other interesting tidbits that God has woven into this quilt story:
1. I would never have taken on this big of a hand quilting project except for a dear loved one. I especially wanted to finish it this way for my Dad because he was a carpenter and did beautiful woodworking. He would sand his special projects by hand until they felt soft and silky to the touch.
2. The timing of finishing this quilt and the surprising twist that my Dad could not use a quilt this big. And get this....when I was about 3/4 done with the quilting on this project, he told me that he didn't really care if it was hand quilted. He suggested that I just send it to someone with one "of those big machines"! (he's lucky I didn't kill him right then!)
3. My Dad seems to have no memory of this king-size quilt project at all. I wrestled long and hard about giving away his quilt, thinking it was like saying he would never possibly come home. Mercifully, God gave me sweet clarity on this, too. First, please know that my Dad has other quilts at the nursing home with him....It's not as if there he is deficient in Vitamin Q.
And now that I know that the hand quilting part is not an issue with him, if he should be discharged, I will zip together a king-size quilt top so fast that my machine will start to sizzle with sparks of lightning!! Then I will promptly drive it to a long-arm quilter! :)
Oh my....I've been babbling on and on. Grab some chocolate and a cup of tea if you're growing weary, I'm almost done!
So here is my plea.
Please donate $10 (or more) to Blood Water Mission and join this effort. Together with God's help, mighty things can be accomplished! We can share our resources with others and provide clean water to those in need.
Each $10 donation puts your name in the drawing for the Living Water Quilt (previously known as Dad's Quilt). Each $25 donation = 3 entries in the drawing.
Please make your donation today!
One last thing. I would like to give my copy of
Seven to one of you. Please leave a comment if you would like to be in that drawing.
many blessings,
May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us;
establish the work of our hands for us--
yes, establish the work of our hands. Psalm 90: 17
fine print: I have an affiliate account with Amazon, so if you make a purchase after clicking one of the Amazon links, I'll make a tiny commission.