First up, I have to thank all my Quilty Girls for the sweet response that you gave my email earlier this week. Wow! You are so precious. I fretted for weeks about telling you that I had started a blog and about the effort to raise money for a well in Africa. It sounds kind of silly now. I was worried that I would be bothering you and tooting my own horn, or something like that. Also, since it cost some $ to sign up with the newsletter provider, I had to wonder if it wouldn't just be better to donate that money directly to Blood Water Mission. I was worried that you wouldn't want to give a donation towards building the well. I was scared....the enemy was at work.
Once the newsletter was sent, I was filled with joy by your encouraging emails AND your generous
donations to Blood Water Mission!!!
I need to alert you to one more thing. A number of you that posted comments have your contact info set up as a No-Reply Blogger. That means that when you write a comment, I can't write back to you! This is Dreadful!! PLUS...I WON'T be able to contact you when you win the contest!!
So here's what you do:
Click on your blogger profile...(that's your name and little picture), click edit and then make sure
"show my email" is checked. Please get this changed ASAP!
Update on the animals.
hen got her splint off last week. She's walking good as new. I still don't know what was wrong and she's not telling. I'm pretty sure she would have done most anything to get that splint off!
Bob, the bottle calf, has been adopted by Bambi. She nurses right out in the pasture! It's a beautiful thing to see an orphan be adopted and loved. Unfortunately the calf keeps having infections in her umbilical stump. I'm awaiting a call from the vet. I'm guessing he will need to open the area up and peek inside. I'm sure she will love that.
Project 40
Strips for this one came from assorted donors. Thanks! |
These strips all came from Val. I tried to mix these in with other strips, but they were quite
insistent on living together! The strips were right! It turned out warm and lovely. |
2 more finishes!! Hooray!! The "ready to give" pile is growing. I'll
be making a delivery soon. These are so warm and cozy-feeling in my lap
as I stitch them together.
Thanks to all the "Strippers" that keep sending in 40 inch strips!!
I am so easily amused. I have been sewing scrappy 9 patch blocks for months and months. Lately I've grown weary of them.
I see this picture:
and I'm off and running again.....basically with just a wee little twist on the basic 9 patch block. Don't ask me why this slightly altered 9 patch makes my heart just does.
Blood Water Mission Update
We are rocking!! We just crossed the 25% mark on donations to build a well in Africa!!
What? You haven't donated yet???
No time like the present. Donations made today enter you in 2 drawings!!
You might win the
Living Water Quilt AND the
"Big" give-a-way! (Big give-a-way ends Wednesday, February 6)
This is the last day to e
nter the Big Give-a-Way!
Drawing for the fabulous prize package happens February 6!
Much love to all of you!
May your day be blessed.
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Cat Patches NewFO