The Living Water Quilt has been mailed!! Through the years I've nagged others (gently, of course!) to label their quilts, so I couldn't allow this one to leave without doing the same. When so much has transpired during the making of a quilt, the labeling task becomes even more challenging. I'm wordy by nature and tend to complicate my endeavors. Which means that labeling required much mental energy to say what needed to be said without writing a book.
I'm relieved to have the quilt done and shipped. When the fundraiser concluded, I went from being exhilarated, to numb, to lost. I tend to forget about that last stage. Lostness (I think I'm making up a word...sorry about that) at the completion of a big project or reaching of a goal is a common occurrence for me. I guess it's not something one can really plan for....You just have to walk (or wander) through the cloud of lostness when it arrives.
I think I have emerged from this particular cloud. It's interesting to note how God timed all of this. The fundraiser went from January to March which is a
relatively slow time on our little farm. And here we are at April and our piece of the world has come alive with green and growth and the many wonders (and much work!) of Spring.
Project 40
More strips have arrived along with one completed lap blanket! (Thanks Kathy and Carol E.)
This lovely lap blanket was sent by Kathy! |
Close-up so you can see this great stitch pattern |
Completed lap blanket from donated strips. Thanks again, Strippers! |
Farmy Stuff
Pastures are greening up! The cows and sheep are enjoying the grass. I notice that NONE of them are pining for the dry hay of winter.
Can I do the same? Move forward into this season without looking back and longing for the past?
Lord, please help me to be content with this day, this season, this weather, this work, this life.
This is the day that the Lord has made,
let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24
Quilty Stuff
My latest creation: A quilt top with bunny ears, an arm, and a glove sticking out the top! |
Pieced backing for the Amish Bullseye. Held by my multi-tasking son! |
Clipped to the table for pin basting. I gave up basting on the floor with one of my pregnancies. (It's not pretty when a preggo quilter can't get up off the floor!) |
Quilting the outer round of each block to get the pins out. |
The Amish bullseye quilt is pin basted. I'm quilting some basic lines
attempting to get the majority of the pins out before this quilt gets
put aside for the summer. I prefer thread basting over pins, but am
trying to eliminate the need for both of them. I'll go back and quilt lots more after the pins are gone.
Quilting from back. |
May your day be blessed,