Meet Viola--the newest addition
to our Family Reunion.
(you aren't "family" until you get bunny ears for a picture!) |
So much has happened in the last few weeks! Good stuff. Positive stuff. The stuff of life.
your family still have a reunion gathering? My husband's extended
family gets together for about 4 days every year. It's an amazing
relationship builder. In our fast paced world, we forget that
relationships take time.
Remember years ago when there was a
buzz about spending "Quality Time" with your children. This phrase
implies that the Quantity of time doesn't matter as long as you have
"Quality" time. To this I now say, "HOGWASH!" Sure, we all like the
special times and events, but truth be told, what really matters is
doing life together. It takes time together to grow together. Time for
the good, bad, ugly, boring, smelly, happy, cranky things that get
rolled up into Life.
Here I am getting some reading time in with sweet little Viola. :) |
That's what happens during these 4-ish days of life together with Craig's family. The pace is relaxed. Lots of eating (of course!), sharing, laughing, story-telling, connecting at the heart, and even some knitting/stitching time!
Please take a moment and tell us about your family gatherings and/or favorite family traditions.
many blessings,
God sets the lonely in families, He leads forth the prisoners with singing... Psalm 68:6